Suitable for
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Type Loopfiets
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Shipping Time

Balance Bikes

Balance bikes are great toys for your children that not only provide them with hours of fun, but that are also great for helping them in their motoric development. Children can learn to keep their balance and build up strength, and have a great time while doing it. They also are great practise if you're looking to get your child a kid's bike later on! These great bikes come in a wide array of models and designs and lots of bright colours, so there's something for every child in this collection. As well as balance bikes, we also have a great line of ride on cars, which are also great to help young children in their development, be sure to have a look!

Balance Bikes

It can sometimes be hard to keep more active children entertained, but a balance bike from Etrias Brands is a perfect solution! These bikes will give your kids the chance to roam around and explore their surroundings in a fun yet helpful way in terms of their development. With a wide range of models and sizes, you can be sure to find the perfect balance bike for your child. Here at Etrias Brands, we stock a really great ranges of toys and equipment for kids to entertain themselves with, including trampolines, scooters, pedal go-karts, and so much more!